I keep breaking it!
Coding and designing a website portfolio using HTML and CSS.
User testing
To ensure my website could be easily navigated and understood, we had a user testing where we discussed positive and negatives features of our websites. This was really constructive as I could then build off the feedback I was given and amend what didn't work so well for the viewer.
After the user testing I continued to develop my website and use the feedback to make improvements.
User testing group members: Amelia Fulton and Danielle Julian.
Critical reflection
To conclude the website challenge I would say it is overall an success, I feel that it reflects me as a designer and creative individual. I would say it is easy to navigate and is a clear showcase of my projects and design journey. On the whole, I would say there is always room for improvement and I look forward to learning more HTML and CSS in future to create varied navigation grids and elements. I am keen to develop my skills in coding also. In summary, I look forward to extending my portfolio and expanding my knowledge as a designer. Coding has been amazing to learn and experiment with.